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Short Dance Performance by Nadia Perlov & Tamir Eting

Our work deals with the transformations that occur as a result of the new communication modes that have appeared in the Internet age and the dating apps. We are intrigued by the question - how is it possible to maintain the authentic necessity for intimate and mutual relations throughout virtual communication? Do we use it for manipulating the other for our needs and narcissistic wounds? We wish to examine how our injuries and the ones we inflict upon others feel like as soon as the communication becomes a one-sided and compulsive pseudo-communication. These questions are the source for the exploration of movement in our work. Through the body, the motion and the performance we disconnect ourselves from the network crowd and reconnect to the emotional place that we are driven by. 

“Love song”  brings forward the force of a ‘branded body’, represented in social media platforms. We tried to present the constant tension between branding one’s body, and the desires that this very same body wishes to satisfy. The well built body captured in a selfie right after a session at the gym, the cropped torso, the polished image, all clash with the touch, intimacy and unity that our body craves for. This merge stands in the basis of our choreographic attempt.

Dancers: Ofri Lahman mantel and Tamir Eting
Music Director: Nimrod Kazir 
Lighting Designer: Roy Badarshi
Rehearsal Manger: Sapir Shalev
Costumes: Noa Wiess 
Dancers: Ofri Lahman mantel and Tamir Eting
Music Director: Nimrod Kazir 
Lighting Designer: Roy Badarshi
Rehearsal Manger: Sapir Shalev
Costumes: Noa Wiess

Karaoke Videos: Omeri Milshtein

Somebody To love Video:
Cinematography: Amnon Huri
1st Camera Assistant: Ravid Biran
2nd Camera Assistant: Asher Svidensky
Editing: Shachar Amerilo
Lightning: Nadav Barnea 
Hair & Make Up: Maor Hillel
Stylist: Mai Molcho

Stils Photography: Asher Svidensky
Graphic design: Roni Azgad

Supported by Studio Ankori and Suzanne Dallel Center 


October 2015 -​ LOVE SONG Suzanne Dellal Centre for Dance and Theatre, Tel - Aviv, Israel.
March 2016 -​  LOVE SONG, Group show 'Demonstration' at 'AZA13', New Art Center at Ankori Studio, Jaffa Tel - Aviv, Israel.
April 2016 - NOWNESS, A global video channel. 

Vimeo links

Bicycle solo


don't you want

Solo Tamir

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